Monday, October 26, 2009

Back in Tampa, Back in the Saddle!

My trip to Ecuador was a great success! I was officially accepted into the program and almost all the questions we had about moving to Ecuador have been answered!

We are very excited about moving and look forward to finally being in our country of service. The people at ADSE are great and were very warm and welcoming. They made me feel right at home and I know it will be the same for Maggy and the kids when we all arrive together.

The next step for us is Standardization Training or Orientation in Nampa, Idaho. MAF headquarters is there and it is an 8 week course that will standardize my skills for both pilot and mechanic to the MAF requirements. The course begins February 22 and ends April 15th. For now, we are planning on all going as a family for the period, as the schools will accommodate the kids during that time. It is just too long of a time for us to be apart as a family and we'll be able to make it work for us.

After we return to Tampa from Idaho, we'll make final preparations to move in June as soon as the kids finish school.

A couple of months ago, I posted a photo of an airplane that I was considering trying to purchase and take to me with Ecuador to do flight training in. Someone else bought the airplane, but is leasing it back to the flight school that I used to work for. Since I am qualified to fly it, the flight school allowed me to come back to teach in that airplane for anyone desiring to get rated in it. Today, I flew it for the first time to get familiar with it.

Wow, is it fun! There is something special about old classics, and this one is no different! It flies very well and confirmed for me that it is the exact right choice to take to Ecuador eventually. While it probably won't be this exact one, I still desire to purchase one like it.

Praise God, though, that I can fly it in the mean time! He know what is best and I just have to keep trusting him!

1 comment:

Margo said...

Hi David, YOu might want to update your prayer requests and praises! Thanks for a new update!