Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lots of changes!

I have been very lazy about posting updates here. Since joining Facebook, I have mostly just updated that site, neglecting this one. So for those who haven't caved in to join Facebook, here is our latest news!

We have been praying and waiting for God's leading on our next step once I finish maintenance school. We have had several opportunities, but we wanted to be sure that we were following God in our path.

We have accepted an invitation from JAARS to serve a 6 month maintenance internship in Waxhaw, NC. I have felt very strongly that I need to have more hands on training after finishing school before going overseas as Pilot/Mechanic and this is the perfect opportunity to be trained by very experienced people on the airplanes I will most likely by flying/maintaining once reaching a field assignment.

Although we have very strong ties with some MAF staff and originally had set out to join with them, both Maggy and I feel God's leading to join JAARS. We are both passionate about Bible translation work and serving with JAARS puts us in direct support of those who are doing that work.

We plan on leaving Tampa the last week in March to start work in NC the first of April. There is still so much to be done and many details to work out, but God is in control of it all.

Additionally, I passed my checkride for Multi-Engine Instructor today! Not one of the more difficult ratings, but a milestone never the less.

Class ends Feb 19th and that can't come soon enough! I will be busy the next few weeks trying to wrap up all the loose ends in school to have the mechanics certificates soon after graduating. God has provided tremendously emotionally and financially for us through this time. Words cannot express all that has happened since starting down this path.

We are doing very well as a family. Josh and Karina are doing very well in school and both are supportive of our move. Josh more so than Karina right now. Little Jonathan is growing too fast! He never is still and is a delight to have around.

Maggy is getting the typical morning sickness with the new one. She will most likely be delivering in NC.

More news as it happens! Lots will be changing soon so we will post more often.

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